Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fragile As a Leaf in Autumn

Fragile as a Leaf in Autumn  2004
 shibori with procion dyes,
 hand applique, hand embroidery, machine piece work
hand quilted. 70 x 90 inches
from October 25 2006
I spend a lot of time thinking.
I am inspired by what I've recently read.
The sketches I make during this early time are rough scribbles.
I make them in a book with ball point pen.
from January 29 2009

I am a mother who loves nature and worries about my family.
My quilts have longish titles.
My viewer recognizes the domesticity of these comfortable items.
The titles speak about the inner mystery within.

What if they just had numbers?    What if they were all named 'untitled'?
They are traditional women's work about traditional women's subjects.
When they are displayed in a white cube gallery setting, is that enough to elevate them into fine art?
Will people be affected by the lengthy time I spent?
Will they recognize their own memories?
Will they come away transformed by the work of the work?
from October 17 2006

my quilts let me tell my story
they let me speak about my life in code

1 comment:

  1. And in telling your story, you give permission / encourage / make It easier for other women to tell their stories. Such a gift.
